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  • Homage to Lofti A. Zadeh

    At IPMU2018 a well-deserved homage will be paid to his scientific work.
    Cádiz, Spain, June 11th - 15th, 2018

  • ISAPEP'21

    5th I W on Intelligent Systems for Agriculture Production and Environment Protection
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 21th - 22th, 2021

  • NIP
    NIP-Software tool to manage
    low quality datasets
    © Univ. Murcia 2012
    R.P.I. nº 8/2012/700

  • FCTA 2011
    Best Student Paper Award
    "Constructing Fuzzy Partitions from Imprecise Data"
    J.M. Cadenas, M.C. Garrido, R. Martinez

  • FCTA 2012
    Best Paper Award
    "Towards an Approach to Select Features from Low Quality Datasets"
    J.M. Cadenas, M.C. Garrido, R. Martinez

DataSets repository

In this page you can find and download the datasets from dataset repository. Please, if you use any of them, cite us using the following reference:

Dataset repository citation:

                Jose M. Cadenas, M. Carmen Garrido, Raquel Martinez.
                NIP - An Imperfection Processor to Data Mining datasets.
                Int. Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 6 (supp. 1), 3-17, 2013

Datasets with imperfect values

Below you can find all the Classification datasets available. For each dataset, it is shown its name, attributes (the table details the number of Real/Nominal attributes in the data), number of instances and classes (number of possible values of the output variable).

In addition, the table shows if the corresponding dataset has missing values, interval values, fuzzy values and/or noise (the table shows the percentage of low quality values).

The table allows to download each dataset (inside a ZIP file). Additionally, it is possible to obtain the dataset already partitioned, by means of a 10-folds / 5-folds cross validation procedure. Finally, we provide a file to give additional information about each dataset and its attributes.

 Data sets

                                                                                Go to "DataSets and Results repository"